Communication in Confinement

Communication in Confinement

Communication. How we describe events and experiences shapes our attitude to them. The word language comes from the Greek word logos, which means category or concept. With language we categorise, we distinguish and we create our reality. Whilst there are different...
Humans ARE underrated

Humans ARE underrated

It was actually the title of the book that swayed me, it’s a sentiment that I have expressed myself to clients, you can never be sure about people, sometimes they surprise you. In a good way (acknowledging also that sometimes they surprise me not in a good way). So...
See you in 2016

See you in 2016

#connection My “word” for 2016 is connection, which you will hear more about later. For now, while connecting is very much foremost in mind, it is going on behind the scenes. We are connecting with our 6R values, goals and strategies, so that when we...
Why connecting is so important

Why connecting is so important

Saturday had us setting up cake stalls and BBQs, looking out at the less than fabulous weather and wondering if we would be lucky and have the sun come out. We were focused on our kids and their sport and our little community of rowing endeavour. Someone mentioned...